Monthly Archives: May 2009

Big Surprise That A Machine Politician From Chicago Turned Out To Be Corrupt And Lawless

George Will writes: The Troubled Assets Relief Program, which has not yet been used for its supposed purpose (to purchase such assets from banks), has been the instrument of the administration’s adventure in the automobile industry. TARP’s $700 billion, like … Continue reading

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The Torah Is A Great Guide For Finding Balance In Life

One of the things that I love about a Torah life is the guidance you get. You get time allocated to holy things and to being social and to study and most of the rest is devoted to work. I … Continue reading

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Can You Order A Miracle?

On the front of, the rabbi debunks voodoo Judaism whereby if you do certain rituals at a certain place and recite certain things, you can get a shiduch (marriage) or a job etc. Anything that does not make sense … Continue reading

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Staying Friends With Your Ex

Good idea or bad idea? This is one of those issues where what I’d like to be differs from what I am. I am on good terms with virtually all of my exes, yet only one of them is in … Continue reading

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Lunch Returns Me To Childhood

I made a new friend over lunch today. He’s a lifelong Seventh-Day Adventist. Our lives have many parallels. Our fathers were SDA ministers who were ejected from church ministry for preaching heresy. I feel light-headed. I feel like I am … Continue reading

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