Monthly Archives: April 2009

She Calls Herself Rabbi

The Jewish Week’s Elicia Brown reports: As an egalitarian Jewish woman and a chronicler of the Orthodox feminist movement, I would have been thrilled if the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale’s Rabbi Weiss had ordained Hurwitz as a rabbi (as rumors … Continue reading

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The Very Hot Melissa Scott

The pastor finally confesses, sort of, to Marie Claire magazine, that she was the nude model Barbie Bridges. Here is my previous coverage of Melissa Scott. I only tell this story — not to get hits to my website — … Continue reading

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Boy-Crazy Orthodox Jewish Girls Loose In Pico-Robertson

I found this on Jewlicious:

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I Am In Torah-Drunk Ecstasy

Go here for a link and code to download all the Torah you want for free from Torah In Motion. I’ve been downloading Marc Shapiro all morning. Dr. Shapiro tells a story of a secular Sephardic girl in Israel who … Continue reading

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Biblical Criticism Vs. Orthodox Judaism

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: Dr. James Kugel responds to Dr. Moshe Bernstein’s opinion piece about his speech at YU (link to Dr. Bernstein’s, link to Dr. Kugel’s). In my opinion, Dr. Kugel’s letter is disingenuous because: He implies that … Continue reading

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