Daily Archives: February 3, 2009

Rabbi Michael Broyde On Rabbi Haskel Lookstein’s Appearance In A Church For The President’s Inauguration

Rabbi Michael Broyde writes: Thus a Jew may join the government service and wear gentile clothes every day — day in and day out for decades violating a Torah prohibition! — so that when the day comes that he can … Continue reading

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Monthly Attendance Award

I drove my last mile home today behind a beat-up Nissan Pathfinder driven by a fat Latina woman. The back of the car had two bumperstickers that said: "My child won the Monthly Attendance Award at Martin Luther King Elementary … Continue reading

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Dot Indian

When asked to explain the symbolism of the bindi (the colored dot worn on the forehead of Indian women), V.S. Naipaul said: "The dot means: my head is empty." (Pg. 387) I got into a discussion last night of young … Continue reading

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