Daily Archives: December 15, 2008

‘The Shidduch Crisis: Causes and Cures’ by Psychologist Michael J. Salamon

I’m enjoying this book about finding a Jewish spouse. It has some great anecdotes, such as the one about a young man given the phone number for a young woman. When he dials, however, he finds the phone answered by … Continue reading

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JTA & Duplicate Content

I got this email today from JTA.org: Hey Luke, I’m sure you remember me from my Jewschool days. Just a heads up:  JTA’s pretty adamant about making sure that people don’t reprint our content in full if they’re not paying … Continue reading

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Jewish Philanthropy Devastated By Bernie Madoff Scam

JTA reports: Sources close to Yeshiva University, where Madoff served as treasurer of the board of trustees and chairman of the board of Y.U.’s Sy Syms School of Business until he resigned last week, said that the school has lost … Continue reading

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