Monthly Archives: November 2008

Jewish Prop 8 Leader Has Niece Out Of The Closet

She married a girl. They both come from Orthodox backgrounds and it’s quite the talk on the East Coast. They are each accepted by their families and by their Orthodox communities. There’s a lot of talk about Orthodoxy moving to … Continue reading

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‘The Brotherhood of War’

This is a great movie from South Korea: In 1950, in South Korea, the shoe-shiner Jin-tae Lee and his eighteen years old student brother Jin-seok Lee form a poor but happy family with their mother, Jin-tae’s fiancé Young-shin Kim and … Continue reading

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Oxford Compiles Top Ten Irritating Phrases

Report: 1 – At the end of the day 2 – Fairly unique 3 – I personally 4 – At this moment in time 5 – With all due respect 6 – Absolutely 7 – It’s a nightmare 8 – … Continue reading

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Luke Ford, Joey Kurtzman Discuss Genesis 12-17 (Lech L’cha) V

Full discussion here:

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Lech L’cha VI

Full discussion here:

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