Daily Archives: April 28, 2008

Beverly Deutsch et al Vs. General Motors et al

Beverly Deutsch is the wife of Sanford Deutsch. She was hit by a bus. Unbelievable story. Sanford was a big macher in Jewish Los Angeles. He was a lay leader of the Orthodox Union. He led Congregation Sharei Tefilah at … Continue reading

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Chabad Rabbi Joseph Mishulovin Vs. Hanna Gamson

Rabbi Mishulovin owns Atarah’s — a Judaica bookstore on Fairfax Blvd. He was the owner of Chabad of Mid-City and was the head of Cheder Menachem (a big Chabad day school on Pico Blvd near Doheny Blvd). Case Type: Other … Continue reading

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For This, The MSM Ignored The Rielle Hunter Story?

More on the John Edwards – Rielle Hunter story here. Mickey Kaus writes: We Ignored the Rielle Hunter Scandal and All We Got Was This Lousy Op-Ed! Elizabeth Edwards has a bushelful of chutzpah chastising the mainstream campaign press for … Continue reading

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