Daily Archives: February 25, 2008

Judaism & Imagination

Rabbi Reuven Spolter writes for Hirhurim: If my experience is any indication, Jewish education does not place a very positive emphasis on developing an imagination. Rebbeim generally associate imagination with sexuality and inappropriate sexual thoughts – which is not all … Continue reading

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Rip Van Winkle Investing

I stop by Rip Van Winkle Investing Monday morning, Feb. 25, to talk to my friend Selwyn Gerber. I wanted to figure out what to do with the spare millions I have lying around the hovel and figured Rip could … Continue reading

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The Right Wimps Out On John McCain

Mickey Kaus writes: Hear No Univision, See No Univision: It’s dispiriting to watch the conservatives at National Review bend over backwards to play down the New York Times’ McCain-Iseman story. What if before McCain had effectively won the nomination–say, when … Continue reading

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Renowned Kabbalist David Batzri Calls Arabs ‘Donkeys’

The Batzris provide gem after gem for bloggers low on content. Here’s the latest: In a meeting that took place last night against the creation of a joint Jewish-Arab school in the Pat neighborhood of Jerusalem, several rabbis led by … Continue reading

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LA’s Robert Rechnitz Was The Main Man Behind Last Week’s ‘Jerusalem Conference’

Here’s the Jerusalem Conference website. Rechnitz is the leader of the Western division of American Friends of Likud. From Israel Today: A leading right-wing Israeli commentator and former Knesset member told last week’s Jerusalem Conference that Israel’s international public relations … Continue reading

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