Monthly Archives: February 2008

Rabbi Weil’s A Straight Arrow

Joe says: Beth Jacob’s Rabbi Weil is a straight arrow. He runs Beth Jacob meticulously. By the book. Not a penny shaved from the IRS. He is a sharp contrast to the Hungarian survivors Mafia of Hancock Park and BH. … Continue reading

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Chief rabbi prohibits single women from going to mikve

Matthew Wagner writes for The Jerusalem Post: In an attempt to stem a trend of quasi-condoned premarital sex among young modern Orthodox men and women, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Metzger has issued a prohibition against allowing single women to use … Continue reading

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The Economics Of Ecstasy

William Watson writes: If you think at all about the economics of love this Valentine’s week, you’ll probably think about the market for chocolate or roses or greeting cards — the industrial implications of romantic love and the material demands … Continue reading

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Nature Or Nurture?; Evolutionary psychologists taking the lead

The National Post reports: The secret of sexual attraction has long mystified those held in its throes, but it perplexes scientists and academics too, who have been squabbling about the inner workings of our sexual proclivities for eons. Freudians point … Continue reading

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A Brief History Of Courting

Rebecca Field Jager writes: They drink like fiends, dabble in drugs, dance until dawn and have sex together. Who are they? A couple of rich kids on a date: in the 1920s, that is. In a nation heady with victory, … Continue reading

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