Monthly Archives: January 2008

In Defense Of Waterboarding

Dennis says the new movie "Juno" is anti-abortion and pro-adoption. A 17yo caller says the writer of "Juno" had been a stripper in Minneapolis. Dennis: "That is hilarious. That is germane. I think a lot of people have a soft … Continue reading

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Living Together, Working Together

Rabbi Yitzhock Adlerstein writes: Jonathan Rosenblum previously speculated in these pages that there are advantages to people living in religiously mixed neighborhoods. Another CC contributor, Rabbi Emmanuel Feldman, made the same point earlier this week in the Jerusalem Post. Here … Continue reading

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Perhaps Fear Of Blogs Will Deter Those Who Fear Not God?

Yossi Ginzberg responds to Rabbi Avi Shafran’s blast against blogs: Yes, all true, but… “If not for the fear (of government sanction) men would eat each other alive” (Avos). By censoring scandals out of the “frum” media, by forcing “Panim … Continue reading

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