Monthly Archives: January 2008

Mocking Kids

From the Los Angeles Times: When it comes to the right or wrong of slinging insults at innocent youths, celebrity blogger Perez Hilton is blunt. "I don’t feel bad at all," he says of posts on that poke fun … Continue reading

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Budapest’s Jewish Quarter

Nicholas Kush writes for the New York Times: KIRALY STREET in Budapest has staked claim to the title of hip new spot with its restaurants and fine boutiques, but there’s more to the city’s once-gritty District VII than this one … Continue reading

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Will Smith, Hitler and Diminishing Value of Truth

Dennis Prager writes: On Dec. 22, the Scottish newspaper The Daily Record published an article summarizing an interview its reporter Siobhan Synnot had with the superstar actor Will Smith. Near the end of the highly laudatory piece, the reporter wrote: … Continue reading

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What Is Spirituality?

Fred emails: I am about 1/2 through reading the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church. (Don’t worry–I’m not converting. A friend gave me a copy.) This book interests me because it dwells on the spiritual objective of Catholicism as, essentially, … Continue reading

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Spinka Rav In Town

I heard that the Spinka rav Naftali Tzi Weisz, after being released on bond erev shabbos stayed in Los Angeles. At Young Israel of Century City, Rabbi Elazar Muskin made an impassioned speech condemning this public desecration of G-d’s name. … Continue reading

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