Monthly Archives: January 2008

Bobby Fischer Dies

Yisroel emails: "His adopted religion/now-defunct church sounds similar to messianic Chabad, but with a different focal figure…see below. He was halachically Jewish, but a virulent anti-Semite." From the New York Times: In 1999, in a series of telephone interviews he … Continue reading

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Private Sex In Public Places

From Dennis Prager: Thursday January 17, 2008 H1: Private Sex in Public Places With Dennis Prager Prager H1: The ACLU is suing to make sex in public places acceptable. They work hard every day to make the country better… The … Continue reading

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Ruth Wisse Urges American Jews To Regain Their Moral Confidence

The Harvard professor speaks Thursday night, Jan. 17, 2008 at Temple Sinai. Audio Audio Then she has a dialogue with Rabbi David Wolpe and answers written questions from the audience. The topic? Her new book "Jews and Power." She seems … Continue reading

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Skid Row Policing

Click here for the full report and the video and audio.

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Who Can Win?

From Dennis Prager: Wednesday January 16, 2008 H1: Mitt Shines With Dennis Prager Prager H1: Mitt Romney finally got a gold medal… Dennis talks to Fred Barnes, editor of The Weekly Standard and political analyst for Fox News about last … Continue reading

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