Daily Archives: December 20, 2007

Eccentric philanthropist pays young people to be Jewish

From Nextbook: If you had terrible Jew-dar, and were watching this gathering on television with the volume turned down, you could be forgiven for thinking it a thoroughly secular affair, just a group of young people throwing a boozy dinner … Continue reading

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John McCain Pleads With NYT To Kill Story

Matt Drudge reports: Just weeks away from a possible surprise victory in the primaries, Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz has been waging a ferocious behind the scenes battle with the NEW YORK TIMES, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, … Continue reading

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On Your Knees, Sinner!

Every time I make a sexy post, every time I despoil the pristine gift God gave me, I must make two self-flagellating posts and three Torahdic posts. I must virtually scourge myself for my sins, staying awake until dawn, tossing … Continue reading

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Flame War Ends Blog

From the Miami Herald: Two South Florida bloggers traded jabs through online posts for a week until one threw in the towel Sunday. Stuck on the Palmetto has slammed to a halt, disabling its archives and covering the keyboard after … Continue reading

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The Real Mike Huckabee

The New Republic writes: Reporters recall Huckabee as combative, even malicious, in response to critical coverage. He was known to attack reporters, fire off scathing e-mails to newsrooms, and complain to editors about probing questions. "I was just astounded at … Continue reading

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