Daily Archives: December 18, 2007

Give me a skull-lift

From the Times of London: Facelifts may never be the same again. Scientists have found that sagging skin is not itself to blame for making us look older – it’s our sagging skulls. A head-scanning study of 100 patients by … Continue reading

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Butt plugs please, we’re British

From Style PS: Our friends at Sam Roddick’s sex deli, Coco de Mer, reveal some most interesting news. "British women are the most naughty in Europe." Well, well, well – who’d have thought. Store manager Sarah-Louise tells Style: "I get … Continue reading

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Oh please, you lard-butt British frumps have got off too lightly

Tad Safran writes: …[B]y far the most common point the humourless drones want to make is that they’d rather be frumpy with wonderful personalities than Barbie dolls with nothing between their ears. This argument is so patently absurd that I … Continue reading

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Who Pays For Sex?

Clare Spurrell writes for the Times of London: "There are lots of whorehouses in Macau,” Tom confided to me under his breath in a crowded bar in Islington one Thursday night. “It was my first time in Hong Kong and … Continue reading

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The Broken American Male: And How to Fix Him by Shmuley Boteach

This book is coming out Jan. 22. Book Description: Why do American husbands come home from work too exhausted to interact with their families? When did a healthy quest for prosperity become a twisted game no one can win? How … Continue reading

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