Monthly Archives: December 2007

True Crime

From Dennis Prager’s blog: This is a true crime book that made a big impression dennis. He mentioned it on the air today. Paris riots. The Times of London has some details. They are not pretty. Philippe Karsenty works to … Continue reading

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The New Republic Retracts

Michael Goldfarb writes for the Weekly Standard: In case you missed it, the Scott Thomas Beauchamp saga finally came to an end over the weekend. Four and a half months after the WWS first raised questions about the New Republic‘s … Continue reading

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Is Rob Eshman A Closeted Trotskyite?

I email the Editor of the Jewish Journal: Dear Rob, As part of my ceaseless battle to protect your good name, I recently got into a dispute with a friend about the number of copies the Journal prints each week. … Continue reading

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Why Does Every Movie Queen Latifah Appears In Suck?

When I’m too sick to work or read, I like to watch movies. A friend offered me a bunch. One (Bringing Down The House) I saw featured Queen Latifah on the cover. I know nothing about Queen Latifah but something … Continue reading

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Are You Ready For The Next Stage?

Shabbat dinner at the home of Rabbi Claudia Rubin in London. "Which is?" asks Robin Buckley, a journalist at the Times (of London). "Drinking the blood of Christian babies…" I’m reading a great new novel by Charlotte Mendelson — When … Continue reading

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