Monthly Archives: December 2007


Ross Jeffries writes: As I have often said to my Speed Seduction® students (yes, disclosure, I teach this), one of the key axioms for success with women (however you might define that for yourself) is this: “You should seldom take … Continue reading

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Shalhevet Selects New Head Of School

Say sources: I heard Shalhevet announced the result of their head of school search by coming full circle to Steven Bailey, Ph.D. I don’t care how they try to spin it; they couldn’t get anyone good to come into that … Continue reading

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The Sparanos

Tim McMahan writes (click here for the video): ESPN ha-ha specialist Kenny Mayne noticed that Cowboys assistant head coach/OL coach Tony Sparano’s name sounds a lot like a TV mobster’s name and had some fun with it. I always thought … Continue reading

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LA’s Anchorbabe Wars

ERSNews reports: Last week ERS reported on what we thought was a major escalation in the never ending "babe wars" here in Los Angeles in local TV News. Turns out we may have got it only partly right, we may … Continue reading

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Bill Gates Ticked Off By Blogger

From There is one sure fire way to make the normally quiet and geeky Bill Gates a little peeved — question his company’s record of "capitalizing on the innovation of others." According to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer’s Todd Bishop, that’s … Continue reading

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