Daily Archives: August 2, 2007

Ten Tortured Words: How the Founding Fathers Tried to Protect Religion in America . . . and What’s Happened Since

I caught Stephen Mansfield discussing his new book on Dennis Prager. According to the book description: "Based on an intriguing examination of the First Amendment, Ten Tortured Words embodies centuries of diverse American legal ideas on the role of religion … Continue reading

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My Interviews With Jewish Journal Reporter Brad A. Greenberg

Click here to read the Jewish Journal article. Audio On July 26, Brad and I started out talking at Starbucks. Then we walked to the hovel and talked some more. Then we walked to lunch and talked more. In the … Continue reading

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Unrequited Love

I read the Jewish Journal profile of me and I wince. It’s embarrassing. There are four great shuls in Pico-Robertson that I love — Aish Ha Torah, Young Israel Century of City, Beth Jacob, and Chabad Bais Bazelel — but … Continue reading

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