Monthly Archives: August 2007

I’m Having A Hard Time Leaving The House Today

I don’t want to die before I see myself tomorrow on the cover of the Jewish Journal. I don’t want, before my time, to get hit by a car or shot in a drive-by or raped by a group of … Continue reading

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I’ve Decided Against Marrying Chayyei Sarah

I’ve been going back and forth about Chayyei eversince June 2004 when she described the Protocols blog I had taken over as a "chillul hashem" (desecration of G-d’s name). Most of what she writes is sweet and brave. She dishes … Continue reading

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Why Is The NAACP Going To Bat For Michael Vick?

Tamar Fox blogs: "What I’d like to know is why the NAACP is suddenly having press conferences about this. Why do they feel they need to take Vick’s back? Because he’s black? Is that really a good enough reason to … Continue reading

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Attention Authors: Be afraid, very afraid…. especially if you write about the Saudis and their support of terrorism

Deborah E. Lipstadt blogs: Whenever David Irving’s libel case against me comes up someone inevitably asks: How could he sue you in the UK? I explain that my book was bought and published by Penguin UK and therefore he could … Continue reading

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Loss Of Parent At Early Age Key For Developing The Compulsion To Write

I’m enjoying Catherine M. Andronik’s book for teens, Wildly Romantic: The English Romantic Poets (The Mad, the Bad, and the Dangerous). She writes: "Like so many of his fellow poets, the key event in the early life of John Keats … Continue reading

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