Monthly Archives: August 2007

Israeli Baseball Expose

TabloidBaby reports: World-renowned journalist Elli Wohlgelernter– known here as Our Man Elli In Israel– is already causing shockwaves around the sportsworld with his exposé of the new Israel Baseball League. In this sidebar story, he explores one of the most … Continue reading

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Hot! Hot! Hot! – Hoffman On Line is live. She links to her recent dating article in Los Angeles magazine and to her first blog post for Portfolio. Here’s an excerpt from Claire’s biography: Claire has two masters degrees—one in religious studies from the University of … Continue reading

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Two Republican U.S. Senators Going Down

Bob Armstrong writes: First it was Louisiana’s David Vitter caught with a hooker supplied by the DC Madam, now Idaho’s Larry Craig nabbed in a restroom stall. Craig’s apparent unquenchable desire for an exchange of semen broke today in the … Continue reading

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Bourne Ultimatum

Mickey Kaus writes: I wish I could say Bill O’Reilly was wrong about Paul Greengrass’ Bourne Ultimatum being an anti-American film, but I saw it last weekend and O’Reilly’s right. It’s not just that the script plays on opposition to … Continue reading

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Dungeons & Divisions

Sheli Teitelbaum writes for The Jerusalem Report: With draft-dodging alarmingly on the rise, the IDF is generally loath to give potential recruits pointers on how to avoid the rigors of compulsory service. Not long ago, however, army psychologists publicly divulged … Continue reading

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