Monthly Archives: August 2007

Shmuley Boteach Vs. Madonna

Rabbi Dana Kaplan writes in his forthcoming book The Transformation of American Judaism: According to Boteach, Kabbalah "argues for the spiritual supremacy of women over men, for feminine transcendence over masculine imminence, and feminine radiance over masculine expedience". He finds … Continue reading

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A Judaism That Isn’t Fear-Based Isn’t Judaism

Jennifer Bleyer writes in the Forward: “I’ve tried Buddhism, which I like very much,” said Gorn, a 35-year-old photographer, after the service. “But I wanted something that feels more like home. And I feel Jewish, but reading from the Torah … Continue reading

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So Why Don’t Bloggers Get Junkets?

Brad A. Greenberg reports for the Jewish Journal: [JERUSALEM, Aug. 8]  "You are not to directly quote the prime minister," Ehud Olmert’s press handler told a group of American Jewish journalists I’ve been traveling with this week. This directive came … Continue reading

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On the Passing of Holocaust Historian Raul Hilberg

Steven Plaut blogs: Hilberg in recent years had become an apologist and lobbyist on behalf of Neo-Nazi pseudo-scholar Norman Finkelstein, and had repeatedly endorsed Finkelstein’s hate-filled "books" and rants against Jews and Israel. Hilberg had been trying to help Finkelstein … Continue reading

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Jewish Week To Murdoch: No Sale

Gary Rosenblatt writes: …The truth is, such offers, and your note about how you think Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is “really quite smashing in a low-key, smoldering way” and deserving of a “Jewish Week photo spread of her romping … Continue reading

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