Monthly Archives: August 2007

Lucky Little Ladies In The City Of Light, And Other Lost Angels In The City Of Night

Justin Levine blogs:  I know that print newspapers are old skool these days, but for my money, the best newspaper that ever lived was the L.A. Herald-Examiner. It managed to provide the greatest and most artistic examples of photojournalism in … Continue reading

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Two Jews In Kabul Hated Each Other

From the Washington Times: KABUL, Afghanistan — The first question Zebulon Simentov asked his uninvited guest, eyes wide open at the prospect: "Are you Jewish?" There was a tinge of disappointment when the reply came back negative, but the last … Continue reading

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Will Harvey Levin really host TMZ TV?

TabloidBaby reports: Insiders tell us the boys at TMZ have been taking our advice and cleaning up their act as they near the debut of a syndicated television series based on the corporate porn-pushing gossip site. And the proof is … Continue reading

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The Mayor And Mirthala Salinas reports: has exclusively learned that Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and suspended Telemundo Anchor/Reporter Marthala Salinas may be doing more than playing tennis and taking afternoon tea at Getty House. Getty House, the official residence of the Mayor … Continue reading

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Amalek Worries About The Jews

Chaim Amalek writes: More and more frequently one encounters young yeshivish Jews in New York who speak with a weird, unplaceable accent.   When interviewed on television, they seem to be mentally slow to the point where one wonders if they … Continue reading

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