Monthly Archives: July 2007

The Phil Spector Trial: Shaping Up To Be An L.A. Noir Classic (and a First Amendment outrage – but whatever)

Justin Levine posts: It may not be nearly as epic in scope as the O.J. Simpson trial, but as a huge fan of L.A. noir, I think the Phil Spector trial is one of the most interesting to come along … Continue reading

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The Spanish-Language News Media On Or By Antonio’s Side?

From a post to MayorSam: It has always been this way. La Opinion has even gone so far as to deny competitors equal ad time – despite the competitors paying for it. Checks have been returned and requests denied, just … Continue reading

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Los Angeles County Sheriff Leroy D. Baca And His Chinese Wife Carol Are Getting A Divorce

The divorce is common knowledge around the sheriff’s department. I believe that the sheriff and his wife have other interests. From the July 30 L.A. Times: Perhaps the biggest seal of approval came when Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca … Continue reading

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Conglomeration + Womanizing = Trouble!

Mickey Kaus writes for Will L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa hold up NBC-Universal’s giant $3 billion development plan if it doesn’t reinstate his honey at its Telemundo subsidiary? If NBC does take care of Mirthala Salinas, does that mean Villaraigosa owes … Continue reading

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One of the qualities women find most attractive about me is my desperation. I’m so desperate these days to find a woman that I am replying to spam… Or it this not spam? I got it through one of my … Continue reading

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