Daily Archives: June 10, 2007

Nobody Deserves The Cathy Seipp Award For Courageous Writing More Than Her Nemesis Nikki Finke

A group of Cathy’s best writer friends met for dinner at Rob Long’s home Sunday evening. After we ate, Rob and Sandra Tsing Loh gathered us (Jill Stewart, Anne Thompson, Luke Thompson, Debbie Gendel, Kate Coe, Moxie, Ruth Shalit and … Continue reading

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Sacha Baron Cohen With Pregnant Fiance Isla Fisher

Shot Sunday afternoon, June 10, on Santa Monica Blvd near San Vicente at West Hollywoods gay pride parade. Click here. Stills Stills Stills Stills Stills Stills According to this Wikipedia entry, Isla Fisher has converted to Orthodox Judaism in advance … Continue reading

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Feeding Drugs To Kids

I caught this in a Pico-Robertson shul bulletin on Shabbos: Last week, two men posing as DWP workers committed several robberies… We also received an alert from Jewish Family Service Aleinu Family Resource Center that a man who goes by … Continue reading

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Women From Heaven

I call my friend Kevin. He’s slept with 60 women this year. "It’s all because of this movie The Secret," he says. "My whole life changed when I saw The Secret." "I was hip to it before anybody. I don’t … Continue reading

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