Daily Archives: June 7, 2007

Muggings in Pico-Robertson raise concern in Orthodox community

Brad A. Greenberg writes in the Jewish Journal: As dusk turned to dark on the first night of Shavuot, one rabbi, who asked not to be named, was mugged at knifepoint on Rodeo Drive near Olympic Boulevard as he was … Continue reading

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The Girls Next Door

Daphne Merkin writes in Elle: It was in aid of understanding my own puzzling interest and the equally puzzling interest of women such as my 31-year-old friend Alana Newhouse, who is an editor at a venerable century-old Jewish weekly by … Continue reading

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Luke Groped Women At Kiddush?

Moishe posts to FailedMessiah: Steve and Yochanan, I agree but you wouldn’t be so generous when he is feeling up your teenage daughter and whispering suggestive comments into her ear during kiddush. That’s why he has been thrown out. If … Continue reading

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