I call my friend Kevin. He’s slept with 60 women this year. "It’s all because of this movie The Secret," he says. "My whole life changed when I saw The Secret."
"I was hip to it before anybody. I don’t want to call it self-help. It’s more like the power of now… If you visualize what you truly want every day…things will happen."
"The Secret changed my life. It was after Abby left me. I was in a deep funk. I was hanging out with a chick who worked for Deepok Chopra. And she told me I needed to see this, it would change my life."
"I found myself in the position where I kept attracting the same types of girls. And I still am but I understand now why and I just choose to do it."
"I thought, it would be great if I just had pussy falling out of the sky. I started visualizing what it would be like to have a chick every single night coming over here. And boom."
"I can’t talk about a couple of them because they’re married."