Women From Heaven

I call my friend Kevin. He’s slept with 60 women this year. "It’s all because of this movie The Secret," he says. "My whole life changed when I saw The Secret."

"I was hip to it before anybody. I don’t want to call it self-help. It’s more like the power of now… If you visualize what you truly want every day…things will happen."

"The Secret changed my life. It was after Abby left me. I was in a deep funk. I was hanging out with a chick who worked for Deepok Chopra. And she told me I needed to see this, it would change my life."

"I found myself in the position where I kept attracting the same types of girls. And I still am but I understand now why and I just choose to do it."

"I thought, it would be great if I just had pussy falling out of the sky. I started visualizing what it would be like to have a chick every single night coming over here. And boom."

"I can’t talk about a couple of them because they’re married."

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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