Daily Archives: June 21, 2007

Conversations With Poets

At a party in Hollywood Wednesday night, I had the opportunity to converse with two published poets. Tahlia: "I’m 21. I’m not looking for love right now." "I’m taking Film Studies. I want to be a writer. I’ve always wanted … Continue reading

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The History Boys

This is a smart, wise and funny film about a teacher who liked to fondle his students. Five minutes after I finished watching the film, I popped it back into the DVD player and watched it again. The only other … Continue reading

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The Future Of The Jews

Jack Wertheimer replies to Joey Kurtzman on Jewcy.com: You live at a time when well-educated Americans marry late, if at all, and have few children, if any. The fact that the responsibilities of parenting are far down the road for … Continue reading

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Poetry For Teens

Nick Tolkien emails: "Heya Luke, Im starting a poetry movement for teenagers as I am one myself in California (i live in London right now its shit). I think teenagers really seem to be out of options in the age … Continue reading

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