Category Archives: Culture

Decoding Culture (5-6-24)

01:00 Where does culture come from? Literary critic Terry Eagleton, My favorite songs, American Hearts by Air Supply15:00 Work sucks – what could salvage it?, Simon Kuper: Europeans have more time, Americans more money. Which is … Continue reading

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Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, Third Edition

Here are some highlights from this 2010 book (and here are maps of national cultures on six dimensions): * 11th juror: (rising) “I beg pardon, in discussing . . .” 10th juror: (interrupting and mimicking) “I beg pardon. What are … Continue reading

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What Is The Red Pill Community?

Wikipedia: The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular culture symbols representing the choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red pill) and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill). Redpills are people who have … Continue reading

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Does Cultural Nationalism Work?

Can you weld a united and cohesive nation-state consisting of many different races and religions? Does cultural nationalism work? It is so much more acceptable to the current zeitgeist than racial nationalism but from where I stand, it seems that … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews And America’s Culture Wars

Elliot Resnick writes: Jews in pre-war Europe tended to fear fundamentalist Christianity. They knew that Christian fervor often led to expulsions, blood libels, and forced conversions. Indeed, when Russia’s Queen Elizabeth barred all Jews from her realm in 1742, she … Continue reading

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