Shaarey Zedek Has A Pulpit Star

Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg (45)?) has wowed most of his new shul in Valley Village (except for the right-wing).

I talk to an Orthodox friend about going to Beth Am (Conservative). "Do they call it davening still or is it ‘communing with the folkways of God’?" he asks.

Former Shaarey Zedek rabbi Aron Tendler no longer attends his old shul.

Lou emails: "So the new rabbi has wowed ’em, eh? Can’t find a single mention of him at the website. Like, wow."

A Shaarey Zedek member responds:

shaarey tzedek’s website is not the magnum opus that YICC has. i would bet it will be a long time before the site has a snappy picture of the rabbi and a long cv. for now, it is up to the laity at SZ to stop acting like sunnis in ramadi by identifying themselves by the minyan they daven at rather than the collective they are a part of. the valley community, right, left and egalitarian center, all benefit from a strong rabbi at SZ. going to a minyan which is earlier than another minyan and which is generally intolerant of others who visit is not something to be proud of. Having a shul with a prodigy for a rov, a rabbi who can quote the rambam with the same ease and eloquence as though he speaks about the streets in his hometown of columbus, that is something to be proud of. Rabbi Rosenberg is the mora de’osra now and it would be wise for all the others in the shul to consent to his authority for the good of the collective.


About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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