Monthly Archives: April 2007

‘I Believe In You’

In the holy Pico-Robertson neighborhood this week, I saw a friend who hadn’t given me any gossip in a couple of weeks. I tapped him on the shoulder, gazed into his eyes, and announced, "I believe in you!" He gave … Continue reading

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Blessing The New Moon

There’s a freakin’ blessing in Judaism for everything but blowjobs. Saturday night I fled shul after havdalah, skipping the obligatory blessing for the new moon jazz. "Why did you leave?" asked a friend. "Because I’ve done enough Jewish stuff today." … Continue reading

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Why Do I Find Nextbook/Jewish Journal/Susan Freudenheim So Boring?

Nextbook is a generously funded non-profit purportedly devoted to Jewish intellectual life. According to the April 20 Jewish Journal: First to arrive was the Nextbook Web site, a compendium of the best new Jewish-themed writing on the Internet that is … Continue reading

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New Jewish Journal Hire Brad E. Greenberg

I sent Greenberg two emails this week (which I found out later he never received, thereby invalidating this blog post). The first let him know that the Forward was not the largest Jewish newspaper in New York as he had … Continue reading

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31 Murdered

Dennis Prager writes April 16: I see on all the networks "32 dead." It should read "31 murdered." I do not know when exactly this notion of counting murderers along with their victims began, but it is a moral travesty. … Continue reading

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