New Jewish Journal Hire Brad E. Greenberg

I sent Greenberg two emails this week (which I found out later he never received, thereby invalidating this blog post). The first let him know that the Forward was not the largest Jewish newspaper in New York as he had written on his God blog, that the The Jewish Week and The Jewish Press had larger circulations. The second let him know that he incorrectly used the word "refute" when the proper word was "rebutt."

He neither acknowledged my emails nor made corrections.

In this respect, he’s exactly like me, mates. Whether blogging about Jews, porners, Australian fauna, my mental health, my dad Desmond, and myriad topics, I’ve never been one to rigorously check my facts before posting. And I’ve misused the English language quite regularly. The speed of the Internet doesn’t allow for fact checking or being clear when I write. I’m a blogger, mates, and I play by own rules.

And, by the way, I know I misspelled "rebut." I used two "Ts" because I’m gay and fixated on such things.

According to his blog: "Brad A. Greenberg is a God-fearing Christian with devilishly good Jewish looks."

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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