Monthly Archives: April 2007

What Exactly Is Racist About Calling The Rutgers Girls Basketball Team ‘Nappy-Headed Hos’?

“Nappy-headed” is perfectly acceptable speech. Here’s a link to a movie called “Hair Piece: A Film for Nappy-Headed People.” “Hos” is a slang term for women (its specific meaning is prostitute but it has a general meaning for women and … Continue reading

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Naval officer erected a giant menorah in Saddam’s palace

From Canadian Jewish News: She’s a Jewish U.S. naval reserve officer, she keeps kosher and Shabbat, and she has completed two tours of duty in Iraq. Lt. Laurie Zimmet of Los Angeles is not your typical former Jewish day school … Continue reading

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I Am Forever Yours Faithfully

While going about God’s work on earth, I’ve been watching this 1983 Journey video over and over again on my Best of Journey DVD and I’m wondering if it means I’m gay. Not that I’m a faigele, but why are … Continue reading

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I’m Putting The Talmud On Trial For Hate Speech

Over Passover, I went to a lecture entitled "Principles of Oppression: Egyptian Policies in the Thought of ChaZal." It was an endless listing of horrible things that the rabbis of the Talmud invented about the Egyptians 3200 years ago (at … Continue reading

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Jewish Pride Is Inversely Proportionate To Jewish Learning

I know that whenever I meet someone who says he’s proud to be Jewish or that he has "Jewish values," I know I’m dealing with a Judaic ignoramus. Judaism is a prosaic religion of endless daily demands rather than showy … Continue reading

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