Monthly Archives: February 2007

The Progress And Poverty Of Richard Yisroel Pensack

I’ve exchanged emails with Yisroel Pensack for years. We share interests in, among other things, Orthodox Judaism and journalism. Feb. 4, I sent him some questions and he replied: I read Progress and Poverty by Henry George in SF 1972, … Continue reading

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Will Antonio Villaraigosa Fall Like Henry Cisneros?

During the 1980s and early 1990s, Henry Cisneros received adulatory media coverage for being a photogenic latino politician on the rise. Cisneros became such a sacred cow in San Antonio that he rarely suffered from a critical press. He could … Continue reading

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I’m Interviewed By

Loma Linda University religion professor Julius Nam asks me about my journey from Adventism to Judaism. As the interview is no longer online, I am republishing it here with the comments: Born in 1966 as the third child of Seventh-day … Continue reading

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Tony Romo – Desperado

Were your hands too slick with anointing oil? Did you try to make Parcells’ blood boil?

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University Of Judaism To Buy Brandeis-Bardin Institute?

BBI is in serious financial trouble and if the UJ does not buy it, BBI will have to sell off much of its land. BBI owns more land than any other Jewish institution in America.

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