Daily Archives: February 14, 2007

Forgive Me, Father, For I Wrote Something Very Gay

I got an email yesterday from a famous author. I’ve read all his books. He said he liked my work and he sought my help for a piece he was writing. We exchanged a few emails and then I dropped … Continue reading

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The End Of Innocence

Confronting Sexual Abuse in the Orthodox Community By Shlomo Greenwald Jewish Press – Wednesday, February 14, 2007 Vicki Polin writes: I want to start off by thanking Shlomo Greenwald who is the author of the Jewish Press’s newest article –"The … Continue reading

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Purim Drinking aka The Taming of Orthodox Judaism

Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, a psychologist and executive director of the Orthodox Union, emails: Dear Friends: We hope this letter finds you eagerly anticipating the wonderful holiday of Purim. Celebrating the miracle of Purim is a most enjoyable time for … Continue reading

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Visiting The Sick – A Guide To The Perplexed

I spent six years of my life bedridden. From 1988-1994, I spent more than 20 hours a day, on average, in bed because of my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. These were the loneliest years of my life. Prior to getting sick, … Continue reading

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A Personal Relationship With God

About half the religious people I’ve talked to at length have claimed a personal relationship with God. This usually means nothing. Many porn stars I’ve interviewed claim a personal relationship with God. I’ve yet to hear one say, “God judges.” … Continue reading

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