Daily Archives: February 3, 2007

Tony Romo – Desperado

Were your hands too slick with anointing oil? Did you try to make Parcells’ blood boil?

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University Of Judaism To Buy Brandeis-Bardin Institute?

BBI is in serious financial trouble and if the UJ does not buy it, BBI will have to sell off much of its land. BBI owns more land than any other Jewish institution in America.

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Why Doesn’t Anybody Write About The Chaotic Private Life Of Art Torres?

Former Eastside State Senator Art Torres, the current chair of the California Democratic Party, busted up his marriage back in the early 1990s over a series of affairs with gay men up north. Torres had several DUI busts, including one … Continue reading

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When Is The Right Time To Cheat On Your Wife?

Terri emails: "I would give you s*** about this story ‚Äì except for the fact that the mayor has admitted to having an affair WHILE HIS WIFE WAS UNDERGOING CANCER TREATMENT. What a scumbag." What better time is there to … Continue reading

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