Monthly Archives: January 2007

Good For The Jews?

Chaim Amalek emails: I’m only about 140 pages into The Jewish Century and so far it reads like a Jewish confimation of "Mein Kampf." If correct, the Jews really were running things in Europe prior to the advent of German … Continue reading

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I Caught My Friends In A Compromising Position

How does he get the girls? I guess the path of Torah is truly a sweet one. After the study, did everybody exchanges back rubs? I once did that at Ohr HaTorah but have never had such luck in an … Continue reading

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I Met My Torah Teacher At A Porn Show

FICTION: I was covering the Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas and I ran into my Torah teacher. I looked around for a place to hide and though the bosoms were big, they were not enough to cover me. “What … Continue reading

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Fighting Homophobia

JMT emails: "You should write something about how the black guy on Grey’s Anatomy that called the faggy guy on Grey’s Anatomy a faggot is being pushed around by the Hollywood fag mafia like some poor bastard being sent to … Continue reading

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Beverlywood Wives = Stepford Wives?

I see them drinking their Starbuck lattes and chatting on the cell phones while driving their SUVs to pilates class and I wonder who are these women? Background on Beverlywood.

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