Category Archives: RCC

Aviv Tuchman – The Best Solution To The RCC

I ran into a bloke the other day who felt like he was dealing with a corrupt beit din at the Rabbinical Council of California. I referred him to attorney Aviv Tuchman at

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The RCC & Corruption

Jane calls. "I just curse the day I took my case to the RCC. They are so corrupt and biased. The RCC rabbis sit on these different boards, they have so many entanglements, and I feel like the big donors … Continue reading

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RCC Divorces

Gadi Pickholz from the Israel Fathers Rights Advocacy Council writes: We will have a full statement and formal report published before Pesach, Gd willing, but IFRAC can confirm that the statement at the bottom of the RCC website claiming that … Continue reading

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Should Rabbinic Judges In A Business Dispute Have Business Expertise?

Or is it sufficient that they know Jewish law and the Talmud and related commentaries and codes? I’ve heard complaints that the judges on the RCC’s Beit Din have no business expertise and it shows when they try to judge … Continue reading

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What Happened To The RCC’s Proposed Boycott Of Kehilla of Los Angeles (Agudath Yisrael) Functions?

The RCC (Rabbinical Council of California) competes with Rabbi Teichman for certifying foods and places as kosher. The competition is bitter. RCC rabbis were talking about boycotting functions where the caterers were certified by Rabbi Teichman.

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