Category Archives: Torah

Freedom From Bondage

Rabbi Gil Student writes:   The past few years has seen a resurgence in militant atheism — think Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris. As a backlash against the religious revival of the past 25 years, these authors and speakers have … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion

Steve Brizel writes: The Kohanim and the Menorah     R. Isaac Bernstein zt"l, based on the Ohr HaChaim, investigates how Aharon was properly rewarded by given the responsibility to light the Menorah: R. Berel Wein suggests that the message … Continue reading

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Sotah – The Wife Suspected Of Adultery

The Torah has a great way for dealing with such women and such troubled marriages. They have this nifty ritual to be done in front of God and the High Priest where the woman drinks muddy water. If she’s guilty … Continue reading

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The Living Wage

Rabbi Gil Student writes: I finally read the much-discussed paper by Conservative Rabbi Jill Jacobs on the living wage, which was recently adopted by the (Conservative) Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards (link, download – PDF). I was … Continue reading

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We Are All Role Models

This man’s writing always shakes me up. He has a knack for getting to the heart of a matter. Chareidi Judaism doesn’t have a better representative in the news media. Jonathan Rosenblum writes: When a radio transmitter transmits sound waves, … Continue reading

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