Category Archives: Happiness

Is Contentment A Good Thing?

In my Christian upbringing, contentment was a big virtue. You were supposed to be satisfied with whatever you had in physical possessions and career success and the like. You weren’t supposed to strive to be a big shot. I grew … Continue reading

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You Have To Make An Effort

On Dennis Prager’s radio show today, psychiatrist Dr. Stephen Marmer said: “Happiness, love, creativity, will power, all of them need input. Entropy, the tendency for things to disintegrate, is the default state. If we don’t put energy in, we’re going … Continue reading

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What Should You Do When You’re Overcome By Anxiety?

I got a call from a student tonight. He said he was struggling at work and feeling inadequate to the challenges of his life. He felt crippled by anxiety. Did I have any advice? He expected me to give him … Continue reading

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I’m A Very Private Person

Dennis Prager H2 today: Why do couples have trouble opening up about marital issues to their couple friends? If they did, they would probably discover that their friends have some of the same issues they do. Dennis: Couples should open … Continue reading

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Do You Add Joy?

On his happiness hour Friday, Dennis Prager asked if you bring joy to people’s lives. We all know people who bring gloom. I’m thinking of one person. I can spot him from far away. He is that deformed by his … Continue reading

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