Category Archives: Satire

Susan Sarandon Masturbated To For Old Time’s Sake

ATHENS, GA—Though David Unger’s onanistic ritual has changed much over the past three decades, the 39-year-old copy editor told reporters Monday that he was "thrilled" to reconnect with someone he hadn’t used as masturbatory fodder in years: Academy Award–winning actress … Continue reading

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Judging women based on how they cover their hair

From FrumSatire: Women in the frum community are judged by many things, how well they can make a kugel, how many children they can have while they are still teenagers, how fast they can roll one of those huge strollers, … Continue reading

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The all inclusive guide to judging and labeling every orthodox Jewish sect

From FrumSatire: Charedi– You are clutching a stone in your hand while screaming shabbos at the top of your lungs on shimon hatzadik street at kikar shabbos. The first movie you saw was ushpizim, your bakery has separate lines for … Continue reading

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May You Take Viagra On Shabbos?

From FrumSatire: I received this via email from a friend, sounded interesting and I bring it to you for your contemplation. Kind of reminds me of the post “Is marijuana kitnyot?” A well respected San Francisco psychoanalyst and a member … Continue reading

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Conspiracy Theorist Has Elaborate Explanation For Why He’s Single

Report: SIOUX FALLS, SD—In light of a broken engagement two years ago, area school-bus driver and longtime conspiracy enthusiast Robert Ericsson outlined an intricate theory to reporters Tuesday to explain his failure to begin a new relationship. "I am alone … Continue reading

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