Category Archives: Judaism

Does God Love Us Unconditionally?

The other day I was in the house of God worshiping the Almighty according to the strictest strictures of his Immutable Moral Law — written and oral — when I stumbled over the unlikeliest of creatures — a friend. He … Continue reading

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Every Time I Enter A Rabbi’s Office, I Leave It With Less Freedom To Pursue Truth

I’m not complaining. I think it’s cool. It means I have to make fewer decisions. I have fewer options. I’m a drop in the rain, just a number not a name. And you don’t see it. You don’t believe it. … Continue reading

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Why Are There No Female Saints In Judaism?

Professor Marc B. Shapiro writes: Since I mentioned some stories from Halakhic Man that show that the Rav did not have a Modern Orthodox ethos, I will also say something about the following story, which some have wondered about. Once … Continue reading

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Man’s Search For Meaning

Dana Jennings writes for the NYT: As my 40s lengthened, I inexplicably became ravenous for wisdom and meaning. I devoured theological tomes — the works of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and the Catholic writer Thomas Merton come to mind — … Continue reading

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God Is In The Details

David Suissa writes: Any religion where the main book can read like a Home Depot instruction manual must have something amazing going for it. The spirituality is so hidden, the morality so subtle, the inspiration so obscure, that a few-thousand … Continue reading

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