Category Archives: Addiction

Narcotics Anonymous Salaries

I went to and found this 990 form filed for 2013, which listed salaries as follows: * Anthony Edmondson: ~$242,000 * Rebecca Meyer: ~$158,000

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Looking For Intimacy

Here’s a great share from a Sexaholics Anonymous meeting: “[When] I began to tell God exactly what I was thinking, feeling and doing, I had spiritual intimacy with God. That’s the solution today for me in my program, not only … Continue reading

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Fetishes Are Progressive

Alcohol in the hands of the non-alcoholic is a great way to enhance life. In the hands of the alcoholic, it is a great way to extinguish life. Similarly, fetishes for the non-addict may be the spice of life, but … Continue reading

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The Solution Is Connection

When I started school in second grade (I was held out before that because of my family’s religious belief that it was best to start school as late as possible, per Ellen G. White), I was socially awkward. I used … Continue reading

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Talking About Your Addictions

A man says 25 minutes in: “My name is Matt and I’m a sexaholic. My disease manifests itself in fantasy, pornography, lust in all forms, objectifying, rubbernecking women, crossing boundaries, getting lust hits from calling massage therapists without planning to … Continue reading

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