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"This guy knows all the gossip, the ins and outs, the lashon hara of the Orthodox world. He’s an [expert] in... all the inner workings of the Orthodox world." (Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff)"This generation's Hillel." (Nathan Cofnas)
Category Archives: Whites
The World’s Ten Happiest Countries Are White
Chile and Costa Rica make the top twenty and they are two of the most European countries in Latin America. As the United States becomes less white, it becomes less happy though it has become more happy since the election … Continue reading
Toxic Whiteness
ESSAY: I first came across the term ”White Privilege” about five years ago in an article in the Telegraph which was a response to Laurie Penny’s (surprise surprise) attempt to bring the idea into popular discourse in Britain. It was … Continue reading
Posted in America, Nationalism, Whites
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Are Young Professionals Minyanim a way for Ashkenazim to separate from Sephardim?
Will the Young Professionals Minyan be the last stand for implicit white identity? Chaim Amalek writes: “I think it is more a way for young (20-34), professionally employed people (doctors, etc.) to separate themselves from everyone else. Not a scene … Continue reading
Only Whites Want Small Government
Posted in Whites
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French Political Scientist Nona Mayer: They [National Front’ Are Unknitting The Social Fabric of Society’
Some people object to the phrase “America First.” So what country should Americans put first? Israel? Perhaps America should put good values first. So whose values? Biblical values? So what would those Biblical values teach? If you take your religion … Continue reading