‘Surrender’ In 12-Step Reminds Me Of ‘Inhibition’ In Alexander Technique

From the book How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously*: Based on the Proven Principles and Techniques of Debtors Anonymous:

It is simply letting go of an old way of doing things in order to embrace a new one. When you admit that you have a debting problem, when you surrender to that, you become willing to let go of your old perceptions and behaviors, which resulted in deprivation, pressure, and unhappiness, and in their place embrace new ones, which bring about freedom, ease and thriving.

From the Alexander Technique perspective:

Inhibition comes from the Latin for restraint and in Alexander Technique terms, has nothing to do with repression.

In physiology, this term refers to the restraining of an organic process, or the prevention of its initiation by neurological or physiological means (Penguin Dictionary of Psychology)

In the Alexander Technique, the term refers to a learned process, in which a person chooses to stop or inhibit a habitual reaction to a stimulus. This allows the individual a moment’s pause, in which to choose whether or not to respond to the stimulus and if so, how to perform an action in response.

As Alexander stated:

‘all those who wish to change something in themselves must learn… to inhibit their immediate reaction to any stimulus to gain a desired end’ and in order to stop falling back ‘upon the familiar sensory experiences of their old habitual use in order to gain it, they must continue this inhibition whilst they employ the new direction of their use’.

F M Alexander ~ The Use of the Self p. 115

He also put it more simply when he said to a pupil who he was teaching:

‘Like a good fellow, stop the things that are wrong first’.

F Matthias Alexander ~ Aphorisms p.47

In other words we learn to

Stop ~ Think and Direct ~ Then Move

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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