Category Archives: Orthodoxy

I Got Poked On Facebook

These chicks poked me on Facebook and I’m not sure what to do. Do I poke back? Do I message back? Do I ask ’em out? Do I make wedding plans? Is this serious or is this just play? I’m … Continue reading

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Excited About Judaism

As a convert to Judaism, I hear from a lot of people who are also interested in converting to Judaism. Among the many reasons they list for their love of Judaism, excitement over the many demands of Jewish Law is … Continue reading

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Should Orthodox Institutions Invite Heretics To Speak?

Modern Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: A few weeks ago, a YU student organization had Prof. James Kugel speak to students. Prof. Kugel, you might recall, recently published a book which makes the case that the Bible is a collection … Continue reading

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Photoshopping The Woman Out Of Mishpacha Magazine

** Digitally Altered Photo by Mishpacha Magazine ** ** Original Photo ** Guess what Mishpacha changed? by Reb Akiva at Mystical Paths I enjoy Mishpacha magazine, the "Jewish Family Weekly" for the orthodox Jewish community (published out of Israel). Actually, … Continue reading

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An Interview With Professor Solomon Schimmel From Hebrew College

Listen to the interview here. Read reviews of the book "The Tenacity of Unreasonable Beliefs: Fundamentalism and the Fear of Truth" here. Read part two of this transcript here. Here is a partial transcript (later edited) of our 100-minute long … Continue reading

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