Category Archives: Alexander Technique

When Our Beliefs Are Just Muscle Tension

I heard something hard to swallow from an Alexander Technique teacher — that all of our beliefs are just unnecessary muscle tension, and that when we let go of that unnecessary tension, we let go of our beliefs. I’ve always … Continue reading

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The Benefits I’ve Received From The Alexander Technique

I am just realizing how much stronger I am today than when I started my Alexander Technique teacher training program in January 2009. When I started the program, which lasts for three hours every day (36 weeks a year), I … Continue reading

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The Pain Of Jewish Holidays

I find Sabbaths and holidays painful. They remind me of what’s missing from my life — connection. During the week, I can distract myself with many endeavors so that I never have to look in the mirror and see my … Continue reading

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Tipped Back

Before Alexander Technique, I tended to tip way back from my hips and compress my lower back. I still have this habit, it’s just not as severe. Here I am in October of 2007 interviewing actress Charley Chase:

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A Free Neck

When do I feel at ease? When I have a harmonious head, neck, back relationship. When my neck is free so that my head can release forward and up and my back can lengthen to widen, then I feel poised. … Continue reading

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