Category Archives: Alexander Technique

What Happens In An Alexander Lesson?

From a website in the UK: For the first lesson, if you are in pain then I would work with you on the table. All the ideas of Alexander can be put into practice while the back is supported by … Continue reading

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The Evolution Of The Alexander Technique

From “Tom [Vasiliades] was trained and certified by the American Center for the Alexander Technique in New York City. He is certified by the American Society for the Alexander Technique and is a member of Alexander Technique International. Tom … Continue reading

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How Much Do You Tense Up When You Simply Think About Standing?

Bob Lada, an Alexander Technique teacher in Cambridge, Massachusetts, tells Robert Rickover: “When I say stand up, I want you to start to stand up but not actually do it and sense what is going on. Go ahead, stand up … Continue reading

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Fred Astaire Embodied Alexander Technique

Alexander teacher Robert Rickover says: “Many times with new students, I suggest that if they want to see examples of the kind of use that Alexander Technique promotes, to take a look at someone like Fred Astaire. While he did … Continue reading

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The Five Relations Of Mind-Body Awareness

Alexander Technique teacher Sandra Bain Cushman focuses on mind-body disciplines. In an interview with Robert Rickover, Sandra says: “Because it has been around so long and is so well developed, I see the Alexander Technique as the foremost method for … Continue reading

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