Category Archives: Alexander Technique

Mind Body 40 Days – A Sandra Bain Cushman Interview

Alexander teacher Sandra Bain Cushman has published a new book: “Forty daily readings for those who are beginning mind-body practices and for those who are beginning again. The central aim of Mind Body 40 Days is to provide a fresh … Continue reading

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How To Do Yoga More Easily And Pleasurably

Joan Arnold is a New York-based teacher of yoga and of Alexander Technique. Joan tells interviewer Robert Rickover: “Alexander Technique is a way to move more easily. We can use it to refine our movements in daily life and in … Continue reading

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I Complete My Alexander Technique Teacher Training Course

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, Last night I tried to get hold of you on the phone to congratulate you personally. However, I wanted to take a moment to tell you how pleased I am that you have finally made … Continue reading

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How Is Alexander Technique Different From Chiropractic?

As I mention my new Alexander Technique teaching practice to my friends, they keep asking me how is this different from what chiropractors do. That’s easy. A chiropractor fixes you. Does stuff to you. Cracks you. You are passive. You … Continue reading

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What To Do When Your Life Breaks Down

* Free the neck. Think up through your torso. Let go of unnecessary tension. * Lie down with the head supported comfortably with a book or two. Keep your knees up so your lower back can unclench. Think about the … Continue reading

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