Ebola patients flee as Liberia clinic looted


Report: Seventeen sufferers missing after gang attacks Monrovia quarantine centre and reportedly takes contaminated material.

An Ebola quarantine centre in Liberia has been looted by a gang who reportedly took bloodstained sheets and forced 17 patients to flee, raising the chances of the virus spreading.

The attack happened at a unit in the West Point area of Monrovia late on Saturday. Rebecca Wesseh, who witnessed the attack, told the AFP news agency on Sunday that the gang were mostly young men armed with clubs.

Wesseh said she heard the attackers shouting anti-government slogans and insisting there was “no Ebola” in Liberia. “They broke down the door and looted the place. The patients have all gone,” she said.

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Claims that US is a genetic melting pot appear overblown–if you’re white

Arvind Suresh writes in 2015:

Wanting to know your ancestry is a powerful motivator that many DNA testing companies such as 23andMe and Ancestry.com have exploited for great profit. But apart from individual curiosity, genetic studies into our ancestry also offer the ability to peer into the history books, offering a DNA time machine, and a unique window into the history of civilized people.

Now in the largest study of its kind conducted so far, researchers at 23andMe and Harvard University have published the results of a genetic analysis of ancestry among the American people.

The study itself is quite impressive, conducted with 160,000 people who agreed to allow their data to be used anonymously for research purposes when they submitted their DNA for analysis with 23andMe. Such huge sample numbers, which are “an order of magnitude bigger” according to an author of the study, allows for a much more thorough analysis than ever before, helping the authors produce a detailed geographical map of ancestry in the United States. Three major population groups considered in the study: African-Americans, European Americans and Latinos.

Broadly, the genomic analysis found that on an average the African American genome was 73.2 percent African, 24 percent European and 0.8 percent Native American. Latinos as expected had significantly more Native American ancestry with the average Latino genome being 18 percent Native American, 65.1 percent European and 6.2 percent African.

With respect to European Americans, the percentages are much more different than African Americans or Latinos, with European American genomes being 98.6 percent European, 0.19 percent African and 0.18 percent Native American. In general, the numbers seem to agree with what one would expect given the history of American colonization by Europeans and their interactions with African and Native Americans.

Detailed percentages of ancestry in the various geographical regions showed relatively wide variations in the ancestry which seem to corroborate historical events.

What are the social implications of this study? The title of Carl Zimmer’s New York Times article on the research “White? Black? A Murky Distinction Grows Still Murkier,” seems to suggest that the genetic data show that racial divides have significantly blurred as populations have mixed

In the United States, there is a long tradition of trying to draw sharp lines between ethnic groups, but our ancestry is a fluid and complex matter.

“We use these terms — white, black, Indian, Latino — and they don’t really mean what we think they mean,” said Claudio Saunt, a historian at the University of Georgia who was not involved in the study.

Razib Khan at the Unz Review, has a different view however (emphasis his):

What genetics is showing is that in fact white Americans are shockingly European to an incredibly high degree for a population with roots on this continent for 400 years. If we removed all the history that we take for granted we’d be amazed that the indigenous peoples had so little demographic impact, and, that the larger numbers of people of partial African ancestry did not move into the general “white” population.

Steve Sailer, a long time writer on race and ethnicity, also writing at the Unz Review, agrees with Khan, with some quick back–of–the envelope calculations to show how…

…whiteness in modern America turns out to be not very murky at all. These findings of 0.19 percent black and 0.18 percent American Indian are tiny numbers.

Think about your family tree back nine generations ago, which would mostly be in the 1700s. You have 512 slots in your family tree nine generations ago (two to the ninth power). The 23andMe numbers suggest that for the average white American, 1 of your 512 ancestors nine generations ago was black and 1 of 512 was Native American.

Here’s another way to think of it. If the average self-identified black is 73.2 percent black and the average self-identified white is 0.19 percent black, then the average black in America is 385 times blacker than the average white. That doesn’t seem very murky to me.

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Israel Is A Light Unto The Nations

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* If you want to do something for your grandchildren, buy land and plant hardwoods on it. They will reap the gain.

Israel’s population has increased more than ten times since 1949. The population density is close to Haiti’s. And yet, oddly, they have far more trees now than they did then, hundreds of millions more trees. And their country is half desert. Memo to Africa: Apparently one may also plant trees.

Interestingly before the Nazis decided to kill the Jews off in Europe, at one point they considered sending them all to Madagascar.

* One of the successes of US immigration policy is ending Haitians arriving by boat. They used to arrive in droves in the 1990s by boat not any more and the situation is arguably worse today in Haitian than it was the 90s.

* I believe that Madagascar is a microcosm of what the world will become. We had a chance, albeit a small one, to escape the Malthusian collapse of our globe. But we dithered it away with post-modernism, feminism and its ilk.

We provide for the mass reproduction of people incapable of providing for themselves other than through crude resource exploitation. Simultaneously, we decrease the fertility of those intellectually capable of defeating scarcity.

It’s a recipe for disaster. We will all be long dead before this comes to pass, but it’s still depressing.

* Promoting birth reduction in Africa is controversial. Al Gore, notably did exactly this to limited effect. Even Bill Gates, giving out massive amounts of aid and medicine to reduce death rates in Sub-Saharan Africa advocated reducing birth rates and widely spread birth control options.

Much of the left, doesn’t want a population explosion in Africa. Normal black Americans, have zero interest in increased immigration from Africa.

* Trees convert carbon dioxide to oxygen. Trees provide habitat for animals and understory plants. Dead trees help build the soil. Trees provide a variety of renewable resources (of much higher value than firewood/charcoal).

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Forward: After Brexit, Europe’s Right Wing Will Try To Woo Jews. Resist!

Ari Paul writes:

It’s a little too simplistic to say that Europe’s Jews should just move to Israel and be done with it. For one thing, Israel has finite space and resources and extreme politics of its own. More important, Jews can’t abandon Europe. Its cosmopolitanism is part of who Jews are, and Jews contribute to its identity.
Europe’s Jews are proudly part of the fabric of Western plurality and liberalism. Not only should they resist being political tools for the extreme right, they should also be against any agenda that seeks to turn back the clock on multiculturalism, and oppose anyone who uses violence as a means to marginalize minority groups.

Strangely, the Jewish state favors its majority population. Why should not gentile states have the same privilege of favoring the majority over minorities?

Torah texts are strangely silent about the beauties of multiculturalism.

It seems like people such as Ari Paul want to reserve the beauties of cohesion and unity and nationalism for Jews but deny these gifts to gentiles.

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JJ: On Brexit, a view from an American rabbi in London

Rabbi Jason S. Rosner writes: “How did this happen? The tropes should sound very familiar in the United States. Xenophobia, racism, protectionism, a failing rural economy with high levels of wealth inequality. Generational divides in wealth and success here in Britain are some of the highest in the world. Ultimately, all these factors led to a rise in far-right-wing politics and a rage-vote of no confidence in the EU.”

“We must not allow hatred, fear, and xenophobia to govern the democratic process. Here in London the fear is the Syrian refugees and Muslim ‘terrorist’ migrants (if you want to know what this looks like, google “the Jungle” in Calais). As Jews, the echoes should be obvious: a group of people fleeing an oppressive government, camped on one side of a narrow strait of water looking for a way to get across to safety. If the Biblical echoes aren’t enough, we only need to reach back a few decades to see our own people fleeing from Iran, Ethiopia, and Poland.”

The rabbi does not say anything about Israel having a moral obligation to absorb people who hate it. Only gentile countries must swallow this poison.

Comments posted at the Jewish Journal:

* The Brexit movement started well before the recent influx of refugees. Probably the biggest problem with the EU in recent years has been the growth of EU bureaucracy and the general view that it has been becoming more self-serving than really useful. Add to that the genuine incompetence and lack of courage on the part of political leaders and the stress from the wave of refugees and other migrants who refuse to assimilate into European cultuer, and you naturally get an explosive mixture. Sound familiar?

There is nothing xenophobic about insisting that immigrants play by the rules. Contrary to the ranting in the mainstream media, Trump and the Republicans are not calling for a ban on all immigration, not even Muslim immigration. We are calling for immigration by the rules and that the rules be adjusted to promote the interests of the USA by encouraging immigration of productive folks while discouraging those who want to get the free goodies. We also do not want people coming to the USA who favor ridiculous, totalitarian systems such as Sharia. What’s wrong with that??!! We have had laws for generations which are intended to keep supporters of totalitarian systems such as fascists and communists out of the USA. Sharia is just as rabidly totalitarian as national socialism, and supporters of Sharia have just as little right to be in the USA as Nazis.

* This attack on the majority of British people who voted for Briexit reflects the hubris of the elites who sneer at the common people: those who have to bear the consequences of the elites’ narcissism, mandatory deculturation policies and social engineering. Indeed, it is clear that this charactistation of them as fascists and sub human was a significant factor in the revolt. They cherish freedom and sovereignty over the class interests of the ‘progressives’ and predations of commercial capitalism.

* What a fool! His self image as a caring, intellectually superior teacher is delusional and dangerous. He is anti-democratic and blithely dismisses the majority view. His borderless prescription is just what our dear Israel needs. Fewer reform Rabbis like this and more common sense must prevail.

* How can you blame those who wanted to leave the EU? As the above Rabbi said the inequality of the populace is one reason but as I see it the real reason is that Britain had no control over immigration.

As such they feared the onslaught of the Muslim immigration and the push towards Sharia law in Britain. Also the same fear of Isis agents infiltrating the refugees. In my opinion that was the real reason for the leaving of the EU. Whether we like it or not that is their wish and it seems to transend everything else.

As one who listened to the Blitzkrieg of Poland in 1939 and witnessed the entire war and horrendous actions of the Nazi’s and now Isis, I can understand the older people’s fears. The Younger people were not alive at the time and they can’t relate to what was happening during the 2nd World War. Because of that they are more accepting.

Its not racism that caused the resulting vote it was realism from those who lived through the war and immediately after.

There is a big difference between putting your hand on a hot burner and telling about the pain resulting from it.

* Stop with the ‘immigrant’ issue; it wasn’t the major reason for voting Leave. People of the UK want to take back rule of their country and not leave it to bureaucrats ruling from Brussels, imposing strangling rules on them. And how many of those Jewish immigrants included possible terrorists?

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