Why Are There So Many Jews In The Media/Banking/Whatever?

As media, banking and other businesses are businesses and need to make a profit to stay in business, then it seems obvious to me that the primary reason that Jews dominate certain fields, just like WASPs dominate other fields and blacks dominate other fields and Chinese dominate other fields, is that each of these groups has special skills. Jews, for example, have high verbal IQs, so one would naturally expect them to have success beyond their numbers in the general population in businesses such as media, law, politics, and lobbying. Also, because Jews tend to have a greater capacity for cohesion than other groups, you’d expect Jews to do well in all jobs that require networking and extended cooperation.

If Jews sucked as making movies, they’d go broke. If they sucked at banking and law, they’d be out-competed by other groups. In some fields Jews have traditionally dominated, I expect, other groups are now out-competing them.

If Jews and Chinese etc hold jobs primarily due to merit, I’d expect that would redound to the benefit of the country as a whole. Why would one want to go to an inferior surgeon simply because they were of your race or religion? Why would one go to an inferior lawyer simply because they were of your race and religion? Would you prefer your plane be guided by an inferior air traffic controller simply because they were of your race and religion? In most jobs, I think we want the very best workers, whatever their race and religion. As God/nature have seen fit to distribute skills unevenly, I would expect uneven numbers of Jews and other races in different jobs.

I see some cogent critiques of my “May the best man win” attitude. For example, having more flexible ethics in some businesses allows the slippery to out-compete the honest. Also, if a group can seize monopoly power, it can extract great returns without necessarily delivering a great product or service.

PS. As different peoples have different gifts, this might be the best argument for diversity. The counter argument is that the benefits of such diversity must outweigh the costs, which is not usually evident. A sane white man might well say, “I’m sure latinos, blacks and Muslims have special gifts, but I don’t want your honey and I don’t want your sting.” So I guess the onus goes back on minority groups to prove that they contribute more to the greater good than they subtract, because if the benefits aren’t clear, the majority is insane to tolerate groups who are a net drag.

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‘Criminality Among Jews: An Overview’

Here are the sentences that jumped out to me in this 1971 article by Menachem Amir in the journal Issues in Criminology:

The conclusion of most studies is that Jews have a low crime rate… However, the Jewish crime rate tends to be higher than that of non-Jews…for white collar offenses, that is commercial or commercial-related crimes, such as fraud, fraudulent bankruptcy, and embezzlement. Also, where special laws have been enacted for religious groups, the general crime rate for Jews has tended to be high…

Most of the literature which reaches the conclusion that Jews have a higher crime rate than non-Jews is of the unscientific journalism genre…

Like the non-Jewish prisoners, the Jewish ones were single or divorced…

…in the West coast where Jewish criminality resembles non-Jews.


1. Moderation in the use of alcohol;
2. The strength, support and guidance of the Jewish family;
3. The solidarity and cohesiveness of the Jewish community;
4. The strong emphasis on education and mobility;
5. The socio-economic status and upward mobility of most Jews…

…Jews still see themselves as a minority group who need self-protection from hostile reaction due to its individual members’ transgressions.

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President Trump Destroying Business For Migrant Smugglers

New York Times: “Marcos, a migrant smuggler based near San Pedro Sula, said that last year he had taken one or two groups each month from Honduras to the United States border. Since Mr. Trump’s inauguration, however, he has had only one client. He blames Mr. Trump.”

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Out of Step: Events in the Two Lives of an Anti-Jewish Camel Doctor

From Wikipedia:

Arnold Spencer Leese (1878–1956) was a British fascist politician and veterinary surgeon. Leese was initially prominent for his veterinary work and was noted for his study of camels. Known for his virulent anti-Semitism, Leese led his own fascist movement and was a prolific author and publisher of polemics both before and after the Second World War.

In Stamford Leese became close to one of his neighbours, the economist Arthur Kitson, who was also a member of The Britons. Kitson persuaded Leese that control of money was the key to power and further convinced him that money was controlled by the Jews, with Kitson also supplying Leese with a copy of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.[8] As an animal lover Leese also claimed that the kosher style of slaughter practised in Judaism influenced his anti-Semitism.[9] Around the same time Leese also became interested in Italian fascism and, after writing a pamphlet entitled Fascism for Old England, he joined the British Fascists in 1924.[8] He also joined the Centre International d’Études sur la Fascisme, an Italian-led group aimed at the promotion of fascism internationally, and served as its British Correspondent.[8] He was elected as a councillor in Stamford that year, along with fellow fascist Henry Simpson.[8] In his autobiography, Leese wrote “we were the first constitutionally elected Fascists in England”. He was generally unsatisfied with the policies of the group however, dismissing them as “conservatism with knobs on”.

Leese left the British Fascists in 1928 and, having retired to Guildford, established his own Imperial Fascist League (IFL) the following year.[11] The movement was initially modelled more along the lines of Italian fascism but under the influence of Henry Hamilton Beamish it soon came to focus on anti-Semitism.[11] The IFL and its extensive publishing interests were funded out of Leese’s own pocket.[3] In 1932 Oswald Mosley approached Leese with the aim of absorbing the IFL into his own British Union of Fascists and, whilst relations between the two men were initially cordial, Leese quickly attacked Mosley for his failure to deal with the “Jewish question”, eventually labelling Mosley’s group as “kosher fascists”.[12]

Leese’s anti-Semitism had by that point become his defining political characteristic and came to take on an increasingly conspiratorial and hysterical tone, something that particularly developed after Leese visited Germany and met Julius Streicher, subsequently remodelling his journal The Fascist along the lines of Der Stürmer.[13] His anti-Semitism became firmly racialist in outlook as he came to speak and write of the Aryan race as the creator of civilisation and culture and claimed that the Aryan was in a permanent struggle with the Jew, the outcome of which would determine the future completely.[14] His views, which extended to proposing as early as 1935 the mass murder of Jews by use of gas chambers,[15] earned him a prison sentence in 1936 when he was indicted along with fellow IFL member Walter Whitehead on six counts relating to two articles published in the July issue of The Fascist (the IFL newspaper) entitled “Jewish Ritual Murder,” which later appeared as a pamphlet. He was convicted and was jailed for six months in lieu of a fine for causing a public mischief.[16] On his release he edited another pamphlet entitled “My Irrelevant Defence”, a lengthy diatribe in defence of his earlier claim, for which he had faced charges, that Jewish Passover celebrations included the sacrifice of Christian children.

He was one of the last leaders of the fascist movement to be interned in the United Kingdom at the beginning of World War II under the Defence Regulation 18B. Leese, who claimed that his primary loyalty was to Britain, had been somewhat critical of Adolf Hitler since the start of the war and reacted with bitter anger when an internment order was released for him in June 1940.[18] Having set up a series of hideouts from which he published several pamphlets critical of the war, he evaded capture until 9 November 1940.[19] Still enraged by what he saw as a slur on his patriotism, Leese violently resisted arrest and smashed up his holding cell.[18] Leese saw the war as a “Jew’s War” but strongly repudiated the Hitler-Stalin Pact and also castigated the Nazis for their invasion of Norway.[20] He was released from detention in 1944 on health grounds following a major operation.

Soon after the Second World War Leese set up his own “Jewish Information Bureau” and began to publish his own journal, Gothic Ripples, which was largely concerned with attacking the Jews.[21] The magazine also contained a strongly anti-black racist bent, with a regular column entitled “Nigger Notes” appearing.[22] Leese again returned to prison in 1947 when, along with seven other former members of the IFL, he was given a one-year sentence for helping escaped German prisoners of war[21] who had been members of the Waffen SS.[23] In 1951, he published his autobiography Out of Step: Events in the Two Lives of an Anti-Jewish Camel Doctor.

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1960s Anglo Australia

I just re-watched the 1978 Australian movie Newsfront and talked to a mate about it down under.

Luke: “It was so lovely.”

Mate: “You would have hated 1960s Anglo Australia. It was boring. It was 99% white. The food was s***. There was nothing to do. There was stifling conformity. Everybody thought the same way, talked the same way, ate the same s*** food.”

Luke: “Orthodox Jews never had it so good. The country was cohesive, loyal to the Queen, hated all foreigners, could say racist things with abandon.”

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