Australia: The Madness Continues

From the Gatestone Institute:

“While terrorism’s origins have many factors, Islamic terrorists, as heinous as their acts are, they are often merely doing what the scriptures are telling them.” — Tanveer Ahmed, Muslim psychiatrist.

In Australia, according to judges, women and children must accept sexual assaults because it is part of the “Islamic culture” of their attackers. It would seem that in parts of Australia, this “Islamic culture” has replaced the rule of law. None of the above, however, seems to be enough to appease Muslim sentiments. In March, Anne Aly, Australia’s first female Muslim MP, said that racial-discrimination laws should be expanded to cover insults based on religion as well.

In March, a teacher at Punchbowl Primary School quit her job after she and her family received death threats from the children in the school, with some of them saying they would behead her. The teacher’s complaints to the New South Wales Department of Education were dismissed.

During the month of Ramadan alone, the world witnessed 160 Islamic attacks in 29 countries, in which 1627 people were murdered and 1824 injured. Nevertheless, the dual efforts to deny any links between Islamic terrorism and Islam on the one hand, and the efforts to accommodate Islam to the greatest extent possible on the other, seem to continue unaffected by the realities of Islamic terrorism — in Australia, as well, which is experiencing its own share of sharia and jihad.

At the end of May, the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) called on the Australian Parliament’s Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade to:

“…include a recommendation in its report that disavows the notion that there is any inherent link between Islam and terrorism… The Committee should condemn any politician who refers divisively (expressly or implied) to any religious or ethnic group for the purpose of political gain.”

PHAA Chief Executive Michael Moore said that there is no inherent link between any religion and acts of terror:

“When you look at terrorism and the IRA, I don’t think many people blamed Christianity for terrorism when clearly there was an overlay. In fact there’s nothing ­inherent in Christianity that links to terrorism”.

Since when are public health officials qualified to make authoritative statements on the theology of Islam or its linkage to Islamic terrorism?

Muslim psychiatrist Tanveer Ahmed, would disagree. Speaking in June about the Australian media’s disproportionate focus on “Islamophobia” he said:

“While terrorism’s origins have many factors, Islamic terrorists, as heinous as their acts are, they are often merely doing what the scriptures are telling them.”

While Australian officials rush to declare that Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, revealingly they have referred to Islam or Islamic culture to exonerate Muslims on several occasions. In April, despite pleading guilty to sexually assaulting eight women and girls on a beach in Queensland, a young Afghan man was acquitted. The reason for the acquittal: “Cultural differences”. According to the judge, “seeing girls in bikinis is different to the environment in which he grew up”. The teen received two years’ probation without being convicted of anything.

Similarly, in 2014 , a registered sex-offender and pedophile, Ali Jaffari, was accused of attempted child-abduction. However, Australian police dropped all charges against him, after a magistrate told prosecutors that he would have difficulties finding Jaffari guilty. According to news reports:

Magistrate Ron Saines said if he was hearing the matter, he would have reasonable doubt, citing “cultural differences” as one factor, which would result in the charges being dismissed.

In Australia, according to judges, women and children must accept sexual assaults because it is part of the “Islamic culture” of their attackers. It would seem that in parts of Australia, this “Islamic culture” has replaced the rule of law.

A recent taxpayer-funded study about domestic violence is an example of the trend, in certain parts of Australia, towards replacing Australian values with Islamic ones. According to the study, while refugees are grateful for, “peace, freedom, healthcare and education”, the “major point of contention” is the issue of women’s and children’s rights:

The three-year study, funded by the Australian Research Council, concludes: “Many refugees see some human rights, in particular those relating to women and children’s rights, as detrimental to their successful settlement in Australia.”

It says some refugees argue “women’s and child’s rights contravene the cultural values, norms and mores” of their ethnic groups.

The study called for “cultural sensitivity and understanding of the impact on male refugees and… feelings of alienation and disappointment”.

Domestic violence in Muslim households is already a hot topic in Australia. Keysar Trad, a former President of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, told Sky News in February that an angry husband can beat his wife as “a last resort”. In April, the women’s branch of Islamic group Hizb Ut-Tahrir posted a video from an all-women’s event in Sydney to Facebook, in which two women demonstrated wife beating and called it “a beautiful blessing”.

Accommodating Islam in Australia takes other forms as well. For Ramadan this year, Muslim inmates of two maximum-security prisons in the State of Victoria were given taxpayer-funded microwave ovens in their cells for the month, so they could heat their food up after sunset, when they can break their fast. The issue apparently caused unrest among the non-Muslims in the jails.

In Auburn, female Muslim swimming pool users were given a separate curtained pool, so that they could swim without male pool users seeing them. Belgravia Leisure, which operates the facility, said, “the curtain was installed to overcome cultural barriers and encourage Muslim women to use the pool”. The company’s general manager, Anthony McIntosh, said it was “a move to make the pool accessible for all cultural groups”.

None of the above, however, seems to be enough to appease Muslim sentiments. In March, Anne Aly, Australia’s first female Muslim Member of Parliament, said that racial-discrimination laws should be expanded to cover insults based on religion as well. The Grand Mufti of Australia, Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, has voiced similar opinions.

In June, the Islamic Council of Victoria made a submission to a Parliamentary inquiry, requesting from the government:

“To create safe spaces urgently needed by Muslim youth to meet and talk about a range of issues in emotional terms, where they can be frank and even use words, which in a public space would sound inflammatory”.

In other words, Muslims should have a taxpayer-funded “safe space” where they can incite unhindered against Australians?

Some Muslims have decided to create a “safe space” on their own, segregated from the rest of Australian society. In Brisbane, the Australian International Islamic College is planning an exclusively Muslim enclave, including a mosque covering 1,970 square meters; a three-storey elder-care and residential building, 3,000 square meters of retail space and 120 residential apartments, in addition to new classrooms and a childcare center for 2,000 students. The existing site is already home to the college, which caters to students from kindergarten to 12th grade. So much for “multiculturalism”.

Clearly, the appeasement is not working. It never has. Appeasement, in fact, usually seems to have the opposite effect. Here are a few recent examples of how Australian policies have been working out lately:

In April, a Christian man in Sydney wearing a cross was attacked by a Muslim gang of youths, who, while screaming “Allah’, and “f**k Jesus”, threw his cross to the ground and violently assaulting him. According to Baptist Pastor George Capsis, this was the fourth such attack on a Christian in Sydney in the past six months.

In Sydney’s Punchbowl Boys High School — one of 19 schools in New South Wales identified as at risk of radicalizing Muslim students — students were “pressured to attend daily prayer meetings, lectures on the Koran and even cut their hair by peers badgering them to conform to Islam”.

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I had a Jewish girlfriend who was warned by cops in Los Angeles to keep her dog on a leash. When she thought they were gone, she let her dog off the leash. The police came back and wrote her a ticket and she went off on them until I persuaded her to shut up.

When the government warns you to stop abusing their welfare system and you keep doing it anyway, that’s chutzpah. Too many citizens of the United States feel no loyalty to this country and to its laws. Rather, America is just something for them to use and abuse.

As a Seventh-Day Adventist, I was raised that it was a shameful thing to take welfare, that you should treat law enforcement with respect, and that you should render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s.

Many of the best people I know are Orthodox Jews and they are appalled by stories like the following. Appalled, but not surprised.

From June 28:

The statement said the latest residents arrested in the raids are accused of obtaining a combined $674,537 in illegal benefits from programs such as Medicaid, SNAP food assistance, HUD and Social Security, bringing the two-day total of alleged illegally obtained benefits to nearly $2 million.

“The nature of the criminal events investigated and basic charges allege that the defendants misrepresented their income, declaring amounts that were low enough to receive the program’s benefits, when in fact their income was too high to qualify,” the statement said. “The investigations revealed that the defendants’ received income from numerous sources that they failed to disclose on required program applications. As a result, they received benefits that they were not entitled to under these programs for themselves or family members.”

…In a statement issued after the Monday raids, Ocean County Prosecutor Joseph Coronato said his office gave “clear guidance” to the Lakewood community in 2015 on “what is considered financial abuse of these programs.”

“Financial assistance programs are designed to alleviate family hardships for those truly in need,” Coronato said in a statement issued on Monday. “Those who choose to ignore those warnings by seeking to illegally profit on the backs of taxpayers will pay the punitive price of their actions.”

How else can Torah Yidden afford to raise ten kids each and study Torah all day? They can get a job just like the rest of us. These people are parasites. They make all Jews look bad. They make Torah stink. This is what Torah study and observance leads to? Massive theft from the goyim. Great.

Feds say these 4 Lakewood millionaires defrauded welfare programs — here’s how

Two couples hid more than $1.5 million each while collecting tens of thousands of dollars in Medicaid and other benefits as part of an elaborate scheme in Lakewood, according to criminal complaints filed against them by the FBI.
Mordechai and Rachel Sorotzkin were arrested by agents on Monday along with Yocheved and Shimon Nussbaum on federal criminal complaints, since unsealed, that accuse them of stealing government funds from a variety of federal benefit programs, including Medicaid.
The Sorotzkins and Nussbaums were charged as a result of what investigators described as a wide-ranging probe of benefits fraud in the Ocean County community that also led county prosecutors to bring state charges against two other couples, including Rabbi Zalmen Sorotzkin — Mordechai’s brother — and his wife Tzipporah.

For thousands of people now, when they hear of “Lakewood”, the first thing they will think of is fraud.

Lakewood fraud arrests spark anti-Semitic sentiment

The social media comments on Facebook and other sites were raw, hateful.

The outpouring of invectives was sparked by the arrest last week of 14 Lakewood residents, including the rabbi of a congregation, on public assistance fraud charges. The early morning raids ignited a firestorm of anti-Semitism against a municipality of 100,000 that has a majority of Orthodox Jewish residents.

“The allegations and the charges levied against (the defendants) have nothing to do with their religion,” said Joshua Cohen, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, New Jersey Region. “That’s why we’re deeply concerned when we see comments online, whether it’s on newspaper websites or social media, that are anti-Semitic.”

The hate speech moved off the Internet and into the streets. Hate fliers spread around the township over the weekend, residents said, who provided the Asbury Park Press with photos. A white sheet hung over a Holocaust memorial at the Congregation Sons of Israel at Route 9 and 6th Street. Covering the stone memorial, the cloth banner used an anti-Semitic slur and promoted a website for a white supremacy group, authorities said…

The Orthodox subscribe to the idea that they are a separate society, said Samuel Heilman, a sociology professor at the City University of New York whose area of expertise is Orthodox Judaism.

The Orthodox members dress differently, act differently and separate themselves from American laws and societal norms, Heilman said. Orthodox identity is forged in a world where the outside community is seen as hostile, he said.

“It’s hard to persuade them that they’re no longer living in a world where they want all the Jews dead,” he said.

Heilman said 50 to 65 percent of the Orthodox in Lakewood live below the poverty level. In many ways, the Orthodox are impoverished by choice — many are not college educated, most marry early, have large families and don’t see public assistance as an embarrassment.

“It’s not a matter of political corruption,” Heilman said. “It’s a matter of moral blindness.”

The Orthodox are looked down on for their choices by people outside their community.

“Why don’t they get a job? Why don’t they have fewer children? Those are legitimate questions,” Heilman said. “The reason they would give is this is the way of life God has commanded them to pursue.”

Americans, with all their claims of multiculturalism, don’t like people who are different, Heilman said.

“They don’t like people who don’t speak English. They don’t like people who don’t fit in,” he said. “Many Orthodox Jews recognize this hostility.”

The “cliquishness” of the Orthodox and the fact that they speak Yiddish in America creates xenophobia and prejudice, Heilman said.

“It’s perceived as anti-Semitism by the Semites,” Heilman said. “By outsiders, it’s perceived as a legitimate gripe against people who they see as taking advantage of the system.”

If this fraud has nothing to do with their religion, how come you never hear about mainstream and evangelical Protestants living off welfare so they can practice their religion all day long, all week long? How come you never hear about Reform and Conservative Jews manipulating the welfare system so they can practice their religion without the inconvenience of holding a job?

If Jews are expelled from the United States of America, it will be in significant part due to the fraud committed by Orthodox Jews who have ten kids but won’t get a job.

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When Eichmann Met The Haganah

From episode five of the TV series Hitler’s Bodyguards:

TV: “The Haganah made contact with Himmler’s SS to facilitate further Jewish immigration to Palestine… They eventually met in Cairo on November 10, 1937. The Haganah agent attempted to enlist Adolf Eichmann’s help by hinting of one other Jewish conspiracy to kill Hitler. He offered to look further into this plot and to spy further for the Nazis in exchange for getting Jews out of Germany. These inducements had considerable success.”

Haganah agent Yitzhak Ben Ami: “He helped us. He gave us foreign exchange. He gave us permits to take people out of Monrovia, Slovakia, Vienna. As long as we could move people out, we had his support.”

Narrator: “Haganah’s twisted view was that the Zionists should cooperate with the Nazis because they built up the number of Jews in Palestine.”

In 1939, the British banned further Jewish immigration into Palestine.

The show says that Hitler admired and hated Stalin’s ruthlessness, he was anti-capitalist and ran Germany on socialist lines, but drew the line at German communists ready to submit to their masters in the Soviet Union. “The German nation was sacred to Hitler and he would never allow it to be undermined by foreign influences.”

Times of Israel:

Secret file reveals Haganah feared Eichmann infiltration post-WWII

A recently discovered document shows that a secret network of pre-state Jewish intelligence leaders were on alert for a possible Adolf Eichmann escape to British Mandate Palestine following World War II.

It would not have been Eichmann’s first time in the Holy Land. In 1937 he had toured Palestine before he was quickly expelled by the British, with the aim of discussing a large-scale Jewish immigration with Arab leaders.

On the taped-together yellowed document, dated October 20, 1947, it is written that because of Eichmann’s “vast experience” while working in the Nazis’ Jewish department, the Shay pre-state military intelligence division of the Haganah feared he would attempt to infiltrate Israel and pass himself off as a Jew.

Eichmann, who had headed the Nazi’s SD Scientific Museum of Jewish Affairs, was the Gestapo’s self-proclaimed “Jewish expert.” The document cites his knowledge of Hebrew and Yiddish, and his organizational skills as a high-level Nazi officer.

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The YU Experience

Rabbi Dr. Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff says in this May 29, 2017 lecture: “The Rav said we have to have a real college… They had to get real professors to get accreditation… It has to be a real university experience. We have to prepare the youngsters to live in America… We had classes in English literature. There was one professor, every second sentence had a curse word. Academic freedom. There were classes in Darwin’s biology and Greek mythology. The kids would go crying to the Rav. ‘How can we study Greek mythology?’ The Rav would say, ‘You don’t want to understand the foundations of Western civilization?'”

“Biblical criticism did not enter the YU curriculum. Bible classes were very elementary. Biblical criticism is not part of Western culture. It is apikoros (heresy)… They could teach Talmudic criticism in Bernard Revel Graduate School.”

“What is J-E-P-D?”

“The greatest gift I got was studying Greek mythology.”

“Look at where we are today — the President of United States locker talk. Trump. It’s his third marriage.”

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When ‘obsessed’ is used as a put-down, I know the accuser doesn’t have honor and doesn’t have an argument

I notice that in online wars, one of the first put-downs used is “obsessed.” If somebody writes frequently about one topic, the person is “obsessed” if you don’t like what he writes, be it on Jews, blacks, WASPs, Chinese, Republicans, etc. You could just as easily note that the person is focused or diligent or consistent.

There are only two honorable forms of argument — to challenge facts or logic. Everything else is dirty.

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