Category Archives: Egypt

Battle: A History Of Combat And Culture by John A. Lynn

Here are some highlights from this 2009 book: Clausewitz begins with violence, hatred, and enmity, which he believes “mainly concerns the people,” for here he labels what is clearly the most novel and pressing matter of the day. 89 The … Continue reading

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Is Israel Committing Genocide?

Aryeh Neier writes for June 6, 2024 issue: I have been engaged for six decades in the human rights movement, which has endeavored to restore peace by enforcing International Humanitarian Law… I am now persuaded that Israel is engaged … Continue reading

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Was The Pharoah Racist?

So why did the Pharoah of the Exodus hate the Jews? 1:8 Then a new king, to whom Joseph meant nothing, came to power in Egypt. 9 “Look,” he said to his people, “the Israelites have become far too numerous … Continue reading

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I Don’t Feel Bad For The Egyptians (Unless I Make A Special Effort To Understand Their POV)

Andrew Joyce tweets: “Why are people wishing Jews a happy Passover when the festival essentially glorifies the mass infanticide of one of their host populations? Passover is a celebration fit for psychopaths.” Luke: “As opposed to celebrating the end of … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘Actually, Egypt Is a Terrible Ally’

From the New York Times Op/Ed: When Vice President Mike Pence visits Egypt on Wednesday, he will follow in the footsteps of countless American officials who have stopped in Cairo to laud the “strategic partnership” between the United States and … Continue reading

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